Assist Athlete Services
Assist Athlete Services

Our Commitment to You

Our highly qualified & Professional Assist Athlete Service staff and coach leads are highly experienced in transformational coaching methods. Collectively we provide athletes, coaches and sports programs with the necessary tools & education to transform one’s own learning, improve self-awareness, self-esteem and overall development. We educate and support coaches and programs to implement their own transformational coaching model to create a positive shift in athlete & coach development.

The Assist Team is committed to offering a service that is bigger than ‘right now’. Driven by personal passion and experience, our goal is to help you to improve your mindset by focusing largely on the mental aspect of growth.

We are motivated to make a change because we have seen too many young coaches and athletes pull out of a sport that they are passionate about because of the increased demands to be ‘perfect’ and the need of instant reward – this is why we focus on building processes and encourage celebrations not through outcomes but the habits we build and the work that is put in daily.


Coaches That Change Your Life

We Educate & provide learning environments for Families & Athletes & coaches

Warwick Cann - Assist Athlete Services

Warwick Cann

Director & Transformational Coach Lead
Brayden Heslehurst - Assist Athlete Services

Brayden Heslehurst

Athlete Mentor & Basketball Shooting Coach
Kirron Byrne - Assist Athlete Services

Kirron Byrne

Mental Edge Program Leader

Ashley Taia

Athlete Mentor & Basketball Skills Coach